Monday, January 7, 2008

Thank Heavens For The Wireless Age...

For without this technology I would not be typing tonight. We are currently under a tornado warning and experiencing some pretty major rain, thunder and lightening. We used get a little nervous running our computer during storms, but now that we are worries.
As for the storm, all is well. It is fast moving and I think will be out of our area pretty quickly. They issued the warning, but never sounded the siren.

Today is the final day of Christmas vacation. Nora is very excited about going back to school. Nigel is not too happy that she is going back, but I think he will have a nice time once he settles into our old schedule.

Nigel has a bit of a stomach bug today. It is one of those that only affects his stomach and does not dampen his spirits. I made the mistake of buying yogurt, which he loves but would be hard on his tummy, and now he is voicing his disapproval at the notion he cannot have any. He has not had any stomach related episodes since this morning so I think we may be out of the woods.

I have not done this as often....
Word of the day...

mare's nest (mairz nest) noun

1. A confused mess.

2. A hoax or an illusory discovery.


1 comment:

Jeremy said...

Sounds like if the storm warnings persist, you may need to avail yourself of the Magic Cooler....