Wednesday, December 26, 2007

'Twas the day after Christmas....

And all through the house not a creature was stirring except for...well, me. It was back the grind at work today. No Worries though, it was a smooth day and all were still filled with the Christmas spirit, that or Nog. Either way everyone I encountered at work was in a good mood.

The kids have had a blast today. When I came home they were still in their pjs playing with their new loot. Nigel woke up early and could hardly wait for big sister to get up. He is loving the fact that she is on Christmas break. I love the fact that they a such good buddies. As I type they have just loaded all of their super heroes into Nora's new suitcase and are off for an adventure. Earlier today they packed up her suitcase and his new Batman back pack and went on a vacation to the front room.

Yesterday was yet another sign that I just may be growing up. I received twice the joy and satisfaction in seeing the kids open their presents as I did in getting my presents. (Warning, all those inclined to buy me a gift in the future; Do Not take the previous statement as a get out of jail card free. I still like presents....alot.)

Perhaps one of the best moments was watching my nephew Pete open his gift from me. A little background first. I love football, Pete really likes football and equates football with me. So, I got him a pee wee size official NFL football. When he opened it he did not exclaim, "football!", but instead said "Unc Kiss!" (Uncle Chris"). How cool is that?

Word of the day.

adobe (uh-DO-bee) noun

1. An unburned, sun-dried brick made of clay and straw.

2. Silt or clay deposited by rivers, from which such bricks are made.

3. A building made of such material.

You know, I have no good sentence for this.

Until tomorrow...




Anonymous said...

I thought your Pete story was adorable. He comes up with some good ones.
Glad the kids liked their gifts, especially the estate sale suit case that has hit the spot with Nora. Life is good when your kids are so cute. God bless 'em. Mam-in-law K

susanita said...

One of the most charming parts of childhood is their imaginary play. It is one of the things that I look forward to if and when the day comes that I am a grandmother. I am glad that you and Robin cherish your little children so much, because they do grow up and leave their childhoods behind, although what comes next can be fun and interesting also. Happy New Year to you and your lovely family. Love, Susan